Magheragall Parish Church

Church Lads and Church Girls Brigade

We would like to let you know that we are taking part in the Tesco Sport for Schools and Clubs scheme. You can help us by collecting the vouchers whenever you shop at Tesco and post them in our collection box in the Parish Hall porch. We would really appreciate your support to enable us to exchange the vouchers for sports equipment for our company.

A Challange !

The CLCGB have been learning this memory verse for part of their scripture programme. Could you remember it?

And God said, ‘I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain’.

Exodus 3:12

The Brigade's Object (Purpose)

To extend the Kingdom of Christ among lads and girls and to encourage faithful membership of the Church.

We aim to establish:

  • friendship between children and adults in a caring and safe environment.
  • an understanding of the fact that Jesus shares in all the joys, pains and challenges of life.
  • We aim to help:

  • children to grow in confidence and develop their skills and abilities.
  • children to work together and to show care and concern for others.
  • We aim to encourage:

  • children to explore and respond to the Christian Faith as a part of God's family, the Church.
  • the development of Christian values and in particular a care and respect for all aspects of God's creation.
  • To achieve the aims we used the following methods.

    Christian Leadership  - Officers must be regular communicant members of the Church and helpers must be in agreement with the Object and Aims of the Brigade.

    A Balanced Programme  of fun, excitement and variety which enables children and adults to explore, share and learn together.

    Groups encourage:-

  • children and adults to get to know each other better.
  • the development of trusting friendships, co-operation, team work and self confidence among the children.
  • Worship and Christian teaching  at Section meetings, which helps children respond to God's love for them is a vital part of the programme. (How this is approached will vary according to local circumstances.)

    Uniform  is worn at weekly meetings, as well as on special occasions and at Church services, to encourage a sense of belonging among the children.

    Awards  (badge scheme) add interest, challenge and a sense of progression for the children.

    Brigade History

    You can contact CLCGB here
    J.T.C.   Y Team   The Martins

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