The Sunday School especially for God’s blessing on all the Sunday School Teachers and helpers.
The Brigade especially for wisdom, guidance and blessing for Phillip Nelson Officer in Charge and for all the Officers and helpers as they take a short break from Brigade refresh them Lord..
The Lunch Club and The Senior Citizen's Club especially giving thanks for the volunteers who have come forward to work and witness in a practical way to meet the needs of our older generation.
Dr. Rory, Denise and Gideon especially for God’s peace, joy and guidance.
Monday - For Margaret our Organist, the Choir members, Praise Group members and everyone who takes part in our Sunday Services that God will bless their contributions to our services. For Glynis, the Sunday School Teachers and JAM Group Leaders that they may seek to work together to witness among our children and young people.
Tuesday - For the upcoming General Vestry Meeting, pray for the members of the new Select Vestry as they work together to seek God's plan and purpose for the Parish and that the new members of Vestry may be welcomed and enabled to make meaningful contributions.
Wednesday - For our Bishop Elect Rev Canon Alan Abernethy, his wife, Liz and his family that they may continue to cope with the demands of Alan's role as Bishop. For the ongoing development of Pastoral Care in our Parish that the Church may be ready to meet people at their point of need and for our Rector as he visits in the homes of parishioners.
Thursday - For our Senior Citizens that they may find fellowship and support as they meet together and that their faith may be deepened so that they find a peace and a hope for their future. For Holiday Bible Club Leaders that they may work together to reflect God's love to the children, that they may be provided with the resources they need to run a Holiday Bible Club and that they may have fun together.
Friday - For those who are experiencing the pain of bereavement and separation that they may find courage and peace as they adjust t the loss of a loved one. For Dr Rory Wilson, our Missionary Link, that he may be given wisdom and protected from harm. For Bert and Betty in India keep them safe from harm also Sandra Boomer give her strength and encouragement to continue her teaching post in Chad.
Saturday - For Roger Murphy (Through Faith Missions) and the Rev Paul Hoey, (Church Pastoral Aid Society).
O Lord, accept all our prayers this day. We ask it in the name of Christ
Jesus, he who died that we might live, and who lives that we may never