Two members, Mrs. Elsie Clarke and Mrs. Eleanor McKnight have decided to retire from the church choir.
Thank You, Ladies!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their many years service, and for their loyalty and commitment. We shall miss them, but hope to include them in the social events which we enjoy from time to time.
There are vacancies now in the choir, and if you would like to join us please come along and join in.
Did you know that singing is good for you, for improving your posture, your breathing, self expression and your memory. Singing can bring the whole breathing system into a state of balance. It also brings about a unique combination of right and left brain activity. The left side of the brain processes the words, the right side is responsible for the time, the emotion you feel when you sing, and the expression you put into it. So when you sing you are accessing - good posture, good breathing, the high intelligence planes of the brain and the nervous system. Singing makes you feel good and especially so when you can praise the Lord at the same time. So come along to either the choir or the praise group and do yourself some good.
Choir practises on Fridays at 7.30 p.m. And during Lent on Wednesdays after the mid-week service, and new members will be made very welcome.
Praise Group practises most Sundays after morning service, and we would welcome new members, both instrumentalists and singers but especially singers.
Again we would love to see new members and anyone able to play a musical instrument would be welcomed with open arms. we are fortunate in our Parish to have a group of brass instrumentalists, and they provide a variety and interest to the services on a regular basis. If you can play any instrument and would like an opportunity to perform, please do get in touch.
In 2002 we recorded a CD/Tape - we had items by the Choir and Praise Groups, the Brass Ensemble as well as a few soloists. The repertoire on the recording was varied and what was lacking in performance was more than compensated by enthusiasm. We really enjoyed putting it together, and may consider repeating the experience. A few of the recordings are still available, the CD at £10 and the tape £8.